Consumer Study Suggests CBN Can Help You Sleep
Sleep issues are pretty common in the U.S. We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. Yet up to 15% of the adult population deals with chronic insomnia. That is not good. Chronic insomnia can lead to a whole host of additional health problems, some of which can be serious. Enter a cannabinoid known as cannabinol (CBN).
Until recently, little was known about CBN. That’s because most of our cannabis research has focused on THC and CBD. Thanks to cannabis cultivators and processors though, we are gradually learning more about CBN and its use as a health and wellness supplement.
Take a recently released study conducted by MoreBetter. They surveyed more than 350 volunteers who agreed to try a CBN product to see if it helped their sleep problems. The responses were overwhelmingly positive.
A Product of THC
CBN occurs naturally in cannabis plants. However, it occurs as the result of THC degradation. Older cannabis plants that haven’t been stored properly tend to have decent amounts of CBN as a result of plant material breaking down. CBN can also be produced by applying heat to plant material.
CBN is considered a less potent form of THC. It binds to both CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, it is not considered intoxicating. You need to take a pretty significant dose to experience a high from CBN. As for helping improve sleep, the proof is in the pudding.
A 31-Day Trial
MoreBetter worked with CBDistillery to provide a CBN tincture to study participants who agreed to try it for 21 days. They enrolled 388 volunteers ranging in age from 18 to 80. Most participants were between 30 and 60 years old. Most had never used a CBN product before.
Participants were told to use the tincture nightly. Every morning, they reported how they felt through a series of questions sent via text message. Researchers divided the trial into three sections:
- Enrollment – Participants reported their sleep at the start of the trial.
- Control Week – The first week was CBN-free as a control week.
- Trial Weeks – Participants use the tincture for roughly 21 days, reporting daily.
Although this post will not get into the details, the overwhelming majority of participants reported sleeping better. Most said that the CBN worked better than any other product they had tried. Most importantly, 82% were so pleased with the results they said they would recommend CBN to others.
Other Possible Uses
Although the unscientific survey was not double-blind and placebo-controlled, its results cannot be ignored. More than 350 people would have no reason to lie about their success with CBN. That being the case, one cannot help but wonder if there are other possible uses. For example, how about chronic pain?
According to, the online arm of a Utah organization that helps patients obtain their medical cannabis cards, chronic pain continues to be the number one reason people use cannabis medicinally.
Although better sleep is no cure for chronic pain, it can help patients feel better. Getting adequate sleep night after night allows the body more opportunity to address whatever physical conditions are causing the pain. Better sleep can also reduce stress and anxiety, leading to even more relief.
Critics will certainly attack the MoreBetter study for not being scientific. So be it. Anecdotal evidence is no less accurate when it comes from genuine patients who are not motivated to be dishonest. In the case of this particular study, we have more than 350 people saying CBN helped them sleep better and left them more refreshed in the morning. That is worth paying attention to.
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