Getting Yourself Tested For Sexually Transmitted Infections After Unprotected Sex
When you do not have a monogamous relationship and have unprotected sex with one or more partners, you risk contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which can change your life. There are some STIs you can get that you can clear easily using prescription medication, while others there are no cure for, and if left untreated, they can prove deadly. When you have had unprotected sex, you will want to get yourself tested and ensure that you have not contracted anything that can harm your health. Below are some options you can consider for testing yourself and when you should go after having unprotected sex.
When To Get Yourself Tested
When you have had sexual intercourse with someone recently and have not used protection, if your sexual partner has an STI, it may take some time before you notice anything. Some people can have Chlamydia and not display any symptoms, so they can pass it on to others without knowing. Different STIs have different incubation periods, and it is worth getting tested as soon as possible, but you may need additional tests later. STIs such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea have an incubation period of two weeks, while HIV has one month, and Syphilis and Hepatitis have three-month incubation periods. Get yourself tested immediately, and then once a month for three months, and by the end, you should hopefully be clear and STI-free.
Where To Get Yourself Tested
You have various options when you want to get yourself tested for an STI, and you can do this through the NHS or as a private patient, depending on your preference. Some options are below that you can consider for having yourself tested and ensure you have not contracted one of the many STIs.
A Private Clinic: If you are looking for discretion or want to get tested at your convenience, you can consider searching for an “STD testing near me” and see what private clinics are in your local area. You can book an appointment for when it is convenient for you and get the results quickly, so you are not left wondering.
Visit Your GP: You can also make an appointment with your local GP and explain the situation to them. Most GP surgeries can take blood samples they can send off to be tested, but you must wait for the results, which can take a week or two before receiving them.
Your Local Sexual Health Clinic: You can also visit your local sexual health clinic, where you can get yourself tested for all the various STIs you may contract. You will need to book an appointment and speak to the nurse or doctor and have a blood sample taken. You will need to wait a week or two for the results, and you will also need to test again every month for a few months to ensure you are 100% clear of any STIs.
With some luck, your tests will prove negative, but if not, you will need to follow the treatment prescribed to treat the STI you caught. Save yourself from stress and worry and ensure you always use protection when having sex, and you will not need to worry about contracting an STI.
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